
Ready or not, here I come

Good evening ladies and gents!

Well, I thought it's about time to post my own blog on the internets. Some of you (less than 0.1% of Earth's population) might already know who I am, but for those who don't, let me introduce myself.

My name is László Savanya, but I refer to Latka X-treme. I'm a CG artist, and that's exactly what I want to post here on my workshop. Drawings, models, sometimes tips and tutorials. I mainly like working in a game developer style, so you should expecting those kinda things.

Well I don't want to tell everything right in my first post, so just stay tuned and be prepared for some of my work. :)



  1. neat blog site Lacikám! your english is fantastic.....just one misspell i see......your 'sence' should be 'sense.'
    üdv: Jóska

  2. Thanks for the feedback Jóska, got it corrected :)
