
Electric Pole Wizard

Hiya all! Sorry for the long break - I just didn't have anything extraordinary to post. But now, I'd like to introduce you to a new project I'm working on:

This might sound a bit weird, but here is the thing: in my opinion variations in models are golden. Whenever I see a street environment in a game or in a presentation my eyes are almost poked out by the cloned models that are shouting for "hey, look, we are here, we are the same model copied". I know you know what I mean.
So this is the first asset I'd like to make - a downloadable max file, which doesn't only contain a single electric pole, but you can adjust almost anything on it for your own pleasure.
What it basically does is that I made a model, and it's skinned up with unvisible bones with are wired to the sliders (with limits of course). This way whatever you modify it always looks right.

This project is just started, so I still want to add some accessories (lamps, secondary wire holders, etc.) and other types (support beamed, junctions, etc.). But for prior I can tell something which is for sure:

This release will be for free!

Stay tuned, for I shall bring some more updates soon!

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